M.E. Conscious
Welcome to M.E. Conscious!
My name is Mackenzie Elizabeth.
I AM here to serve the collective consciousness through positive psychology, regime, nutrition, & brand development. My mission is to guide you through your awakening into a crystal-clear vision of your path & journey.
On M.E. Conscious, we discuss fundamental topics with real people to help guide our awareness into a healthier, happy space that I hope will one day make a massive ripple in our environment & lives.
Thank you so much for listening and being a part of the conscious shift our world is experiencing.
Let's dive deeper into your consciousness & purpose or scale your business to a whole new level! Please set up a consultation with me here!
M.E. Conscious
Living With a Conscious Mind: Audrey O'Marra
When experiencing a conscious awakening, the mind and body can go through a multitude of emotions, feelings, actions, etc. Today, Audrey O'Marra & Mackenzie Elizabeth guide us into what it means to live with a conscious mind during the human experience.
"Out of The Darkness" by - Audrey O'Marra
Hello and welcome to the M.E Conscious Podcast
I’m your Host, Mackenzie Elizabeth Kundalini, Specialist, Brand Expert & IMDb actress on a Mission to guide as many of your beautiful souls through your consciousness awakening as I can. To guide you to live your life with PURPOSE… on PURPOSE! If you are here right now… It is not a coincidence…You are here for a reason… have faith & trust the process.