M.E. Conscious
Welcome to M.E. Conscious!
My name is Mackenzie Elizabeth.
I AM here to serve the collective consciousness through positive psychology, regime, nutrition, & brand development. My mission is to guide you through your awakening into a crystal-clear vision of your path & journey.
On M.E. Conscious, we discuss fundamental topics with real people to help guide our awareness into a healthier, happy space that I hope will one day make a massive ripple in our environment & lives.
Thank you so much for listening and being a part of the conscious shift our world is experiencing.
Let's dive deeper into your consciousness & purpose or scale your business to a whole new level! Please set up a consultation with me here!
M.E. Conscious
Twin Flames: "How To Get Out Of Your Own Way," With Shomari Rue
When you meet your Twin Flame, how do you know they are your twin flame, and how do you get out of your own way to embrace that divine connection?
Get to know Mackenzie, or set up a consultation with her!
Get to know Shomari, or set up a consultation with him!
Plant Medicine:
Hello and welcome to the M.E Conscious Podcast
I’m your Host, Mackenzie Elizabeth Kundalini, Specialist, Brand Expert & IMDb actress on a Mission to guide as many of your beautiful souls through your consciousness awakening as I can. To guide you to live your life with PURPOSE… on PURPOSE! If you are here right now… It is not a coincidence…You are here for a reason… have faith & trust the process.